I will accompany you towards better well-being thanks to different techniques
from traditional Chinese medicine.

Applied techniques according to your needs


Nutritional therapy to support a healthy state

Meridian massage

Full body massage following the meridians


Heat stimulation technique for acupuncture points

Thérapie par ventouses

Chinese technique to restore energy flow

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses a combination of massage, diet, exercise and herbal remedies to promote wellness and treat illness.

According to TCM disease arises from the influences of wind, humidity, heat, cold, or dryness in our external environment e.g. seasonal allergies. These same influences can create disease internally too through the foods we eat, our emotional states and lifestyle choices e.g. sleep, exercise or work routines.

The theory of Chinese Medicine is over 3000 years old and is based on observation. The ancients experienced the cycles of nature intimately and created the concept of Yin and Yang; that there is polarity in everything to some extent: day/night, hot/cold, up/down etc. and each of these opposites is classified as either relatively Yin or Yang. Yin and Yang are opposite, interdependent, co-existent and create one another. They are always relational terms because nothing is purely Yin or Yang. This principle is embodied by the classic Yin Yang symbol.

As time went on, the ancients observed that they could further classify Yin and Yang into 5 relative elements of nature: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each of these 5 elements has numerous characteristics associated with them (color, season, emotion etc.) including an internal organ system. Each internal organ system has a meridian (energetic pathway), much like a lake or ocean will have a river that feeds it.

When someone experiences discomfort or disease in their life we: look at external or internal influences, determine which internal organ system (and its associated meridian) is being affected, and classify the imbalance, using Yin and Yang to treat the whole person using TCM remedies.